Monday, April 7, 2008

Editorial: Violating Symbolic Speech

by JB

Do you go to a school were you have to wear uniforms? Would you want to be able to wear whatever you want every day to school. Well their are many schools that prohibit you from wearing what ever you want. The reason why some schools do not let you wear what you want is because they want to protect you. That is why they limit your freedom in school so they can protect you. But we should be able to wear whatever we want to because we have the right yo able to wear whatever we want.
We should have the right to wear whatever we want to because we have the right. We should be able to wear whatever we want because it is a way of expressing ourselves. But the reason why they do not let us wear anything else than uniforms at school is because they want prohibit your freedom so you can be more safe. Schools think that it is not a good thing to wear normal clothes because they think that if you get to wear whatever you want students will more crazier because they are wearing normal clothes. But other reasons are because their are many different kinds of gangs in school. So sometimes what you wear can mean what gang you are in.
But letting students wear whatever they want is a bad thing too. It is a bad thing like I said because their are many different types of gangs in the school. Their are many types of gangs in school, their are gangs that are cool with each others. But their are some gangs that hate each other and that is a bad thing, especially if you have gangs that hate each other that are in the same school. The reason why is because, if you let students let them wear whatever they want to school, they might want to wear something that represents what gang they are from. If their is another student that is from another gang and they wear something that represents what gang they are from. That can be a bad thing because if they are in a gang that hate each other they might end up fighting and get them in allot of trouble just because of what they are wearing.
But we have the first Amendment to back us up. The reason why is, because in the first Amendment it says that you have the right to wear whatever you want. You cant our rights away so we should be able to wear whatever we want. Either way in school they still take that right away from you because here they care more about everyone's safety than freedom. But then again it is still a good thing because the school has a good point for having this rule in school.
So that is all that I have to write about this. Being able to write what ever you want to school might be a good thing. But the reason why they do not let you wear what you want is because they care about safety. Without this rule at school, it might be more crazier than it normally.

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