Monday, April 7, 2008

sports report: what happened at the game?

What happened at the games?

They boys dominated the school pueblo at there first game. The varsity won 16 to 0. Only one person in the other team hit the ball. The Jr. varsity won 16 to 9. The girls didn't do as well as them. The girls Varsity lost 5 to 3. All the runs were made by the short stop. The Jr. Varsity lost to something like 16 to 9.
The varsity girls team was doing an amazing job at there game. The pitcher has only been pitching for about a day and she was able to strike people out. Without the pitcher no ones knows what would of happened. Thank god for her. The coach did a good job at training them for there first game. What was weird is that, pueblo all ready had a game. That was a disadvantage to Borman. The girls did every thing they could do to try to catch up to them. At least we did get murdered by them. We only lost by two (2), which that is not a lot.
The varsity boys did an outstanding job at there first game against pueblo. Our pitcher just kept throwing strikes all game long. Eventually only one person hit the ball. Later through out the game he got out. Our pitcher hit at least three (3) home runs. Every body else in the team hit the ball. Pueblo had also had a game before the boys. Which was also a disadvantage. They still managed to beat pueblo with all there might.
I don't really know what happened at the Jr. varsities game. They were away and they represented us very good. They boys did an awesome job. Even though pueblo scored we scored more than them.
The girls did okay at there first game. That team is mostly 6th graders. There pitcher(s) are/is pretty good, for only being 7th graders. They also had a disadvantage ,but it's okay because next time we are going to do what they did to the girls. The boys can continue what they did in every game.
Softball and Baseball is a very serious game. Especially for this league everybody wants to win it badly. Some teams play dirty and they don't care what happens to the people they are playing. Softball and baseball should be respected games. Everybody should be respected the coaches, the players, the fans, and the umpires. Everybody is a big group that makes the game more interesting.

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